Monday, November 5, 2007

DM2553: Some information about the Interactive Media part of the course


Below follows some information about the assignments handed out last week, as well as some other information:

* I forgot to make a place in PingPong for the "Web 2.0 Assignments" as described at
This has now been fixed, so if you go to pingpong ( and log in to the course activity under Events->DM2553 (which I noted many of you haven't done yet), and click on "Content" to the left, you will find the place you can hand in this assignment, as well as Lab 1 and Lab 2.

* Lab 1 and 2: So far 4 people have handed in links for lab 1. The deadline is on Wednesday, but there is still plenty of time.

* Lecture handouts part 1: I have placed pdf-files suitable for printing for the powerpoints I used at my lecture last week, in PingPong (under Documents->Interactive media).

* Lecture handouts part 2: I have also posted the same presentations at Slideshare in a group I have created for the course. This gives a nice meta-perspective, since Slideshare is an excellent example of a Web 2.0 application. Also note that you can write comments to each slide. I'll try to read comments and answer if possible. The address is
The address is also available in PingPong under Documents->Interactive Media->Links

* Discussion forum: I have added two discussion groups in PingPong (visible under "Discussion"). The first one is for discussing the Web 2.0 assignment, and the second one is for discussing lab 1 and 2. Please ask questions you may have regarding the lab assignments there, and also answer your fellow student's questions. There is a checkbox for each forum for receiving notifications of new posts by email, I recommend you check these.

* Blog: I have now added a blog to which all messages sent out by the teachers during the course will be stored (not attachments though). The address is

* Shared bookmarks: Finally, a reminder to add bookmarks to, using the course tag as described in the Web 2.0 assignment. The bookmarks are available at

I think that was it for now, I will see you next week and then the topic will be data structuring using XML and DTDs.


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