Tuesday, November 20, 2007

DM2553: SimpleLeran


my name is Anna and I'm the person who is investigating and evaluating the learning method spaced repetition that you've got the opportunity to try. You were introduced to the method yesterday and you also got the instructions about the assignment from Björn. I would just like to inform you that we got a small problem with the server last evening which made it impossible for you to register as a new user. Today everything works perfect, so if you had some problem yesterday, please try again today or tomorrow.

If you have any question about SimpleLearn or the assignment, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at annamalm@kth.se


Meddelandet är skickat från aktiviteten DM2553 Medieproduktion.

1 comment:

Fredrik said...

I would like to have information of how exactly we will be graded in the end of the course. I know the system but I want information about the different assignments etc. that will be used for to raise the grades so that we can have at least some opporunity to do some planning.

Thank you!
